Ministry of Home Affairs

Ministry of Home Affairs, known as the Home Ministry or MHA, is an Indian government ministry. It is an interior ministry mainly responsible for the maintenance of Internal security and domestic policy.

  1. The Ministry of Home Affairs has the following constituent Departments:
  2. Department of Border Management:
    Department of Border Management, dealing with management of borders, including coastal borders.
  3. Department of Internal Security:
    Department of Internal Security, dealing with police, law and order and rehabilitation
  4. Department of Jammu & Kashmir Affairs:
    Department of Jammu & Kashmir (J&K) Affairs, dealing with the constitutional provisions in respect of the State of Jammu & Kashmir and all other matters relating to the State excluding those with which the Ministry of External Affairs is concerned.
  5. Department of Home:
    Dealing with the notification of assumption of office by the President and Vice President, notification of appointment of the Prime Minister and other Ministers, etc
  6. Department of Official Language: Dealing with the implementation of the provisions of the Constitution relating to official languages and the provisions of the Official Languages Act, 1963.
  7. Department of States: Dealing with Centre-State relations, Inter-State relations, Union Territories and Freedom Fighters' pension.

    Minsters in the Ministry